Private Lessons
Please read through all the following terms and conditions before signing up for private lessons; this includes the cancellation and rescheduling policy.
Next month's private lesson spots will be posted on the 23rd of the month.
You must be currently attending classes to sign up for private lessons. You must use the email on file with Jolley's Gym to sign up for your lessons. If you try to use a different email address, it will not work.
Students can attend a maximum of one half-hour private lesson a day.
Lessons cost $20-$30 per half hour; depending on the teacher.
Payments must be made when you sign up for a lesson time. Payment is now integrated in the sign up process. If you don't complete payment, the scheduled lesson(s) will drop off after a half hour.
Out of respect to the teachers' time lessons may not be cancelled, rescheduled, or made up. Check your schedule before signing up for a lesson time. Injuries and emergencies will be evaluated on a case by case basis by emailing
November Private Lessons Sign Up